Welcome to Plantation Pandemonium, home of The Persnickety Pony and The Certifiable Curator blog!
We are a small, family-owned-and-operated farmette, in Andale, Kansas. We provide horses and an EAGALA Certified Equine Specialist services to therapy and coaching professionals for Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, coaching. In addition, we raise a family, restore homes, design, build, and refinish furniture, create and recreate.
Tom is an airline pilot, and served honorably, for 26 years, in the USAF. I am the resident Equine Specialist, (with a special place in my heart for veterans and active military personnel!!), Kinder Wrangler, Chief Chicken Plucker, Sawdust Generator, and the Certifiable Curator, known as Jen to my friends. Our kids are 26, 19, 18, 11, and 9. The youngest is our only girl. The oldest and two youngest are adopted, and I could not be a bigger adoption advocate. I know that God is gracious because he saw fit to give even ME the desire of my heart by allowing me to be called mom.
Our website is always under construction, so if we have missed a thing or two. Send an email to plantationpandemonium@gmail.com, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.